Dear ones,
I've always been a fan of the dark side of life.
In 5th grade, I was sent to the principal's office for reading Stephen King's book, It, in class for my independent reading. The teacher was concerned about me.
But for me, the dark and scary themes opened up a whole world of evocative ideas that no one spoke about in daily life. I was fascinated.
Fast forward, and I now host retreats where we touch some of these darker, harder themes in our own lives. My belief is we can't experience joy and euphoria if we don't also know pain and anger. They are all part of the human experience.
Though our culture proselytizes positivity, we don't get to just scrape the happy emotions off the top and live only from those.
A few weeks back, I had the chance to do an interview about our dark side with one of my favorite interviewers: Jeanie Coomber from Warriors at Work. I'd love for you to check it out and give some more thought to your own dark side.
It is through exploring our own darkness that we can understand elevate our own light.
Watch the video below or click the link to listen in podcast form. Enjoy!
Podcast link HERE