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Writer's pictureBrie Doyle

4 Best Lessons from Mom

This weekend has us all thinking about our moms. In honor of this, I want to share the 4 best things I've learned from my mom. Hope it gets you thinking about your fav-4 with your own mom...

1. Creativity is just as important as multiplication and public speaking

I grew up in a house where we were always painting something or gluing something, dancing to something, or baking something. My mom embodies creativity, and our household was the perfect expression of this.

She was always updating decorations, recipes, music tastes and more. We made music videos and food, held parties for the neighborhood kids, and made homemade presents.

While kids I knew were getting pressured to perform perfectly in their classes and recitals, my mom always reminded us to make or create something, and share it with others. Our creations were celebrated more than our report cards.

As a result, I feel deeply rooted to my source of creativity and because of this, I always have new ideas for myself, and for others.

2. Cultivate a relationship with spirit.

We grew up going to church. It was always up to us whether or not we wanted to go, and I usually did.

My mom was our CCD teacher at church. She found relatable ways to share morals, and helped carve the way for my strong sense of values.

While in the end I uncovered that organized religion is not for me, I'm thankful for the exposure to the relationship I have with spirit. I grew up making time and space for quiet because I went to church. I read about heroes and heroines who did incredible things in the name of spirit. These were my archetypes as a child. And I asked questions about the meaning of life from a very young age.

As a result, I have a continued relationship spirit. It is my deep relationship with spirit that drives my work in the world now.

3. True beauty is inside

My mom was all about the big lessons. When I was a teenager and feeling insecure, I'd ask her "Do I look ugly? Do I look fat?" My mom would never indulge my questioning by overly assuaging my shallow fears.

Her response was always "Brie, you're focusing on the wrong things." So, I learned not to focus on external sources of beauty. I became a woman about the inside life. I learned to cultivate beauty from the inside because surface level beauty wouldn't cut it in our house.

My mom took my son to Repticon...

(My mom took my son to Repticon because of his love of snakes. Eek!)

4.. No relationship more important than the one with myself:

After 40 years of marriage, my parents just recently divorced. It's been hard to witness at times, at other times, it's been inspiring.

What it's shown me in my adult life is that there is no relationship more important than the one with I have with myself.

We married people often place the needs of the couple above the needs of the self, so much so that we unintentionally dwarf ourselves or build resentments because we're always catering to a duo as opposed to showing up for ourselves.

If we're in relationship, we must find ways to support our individual needs if we want a meaningful and enduring relationship.

As Glennon Doyle says: "if you have to choose between saving your marriage and saving yourself, always choose yourself."

This has been a powerful reminder in my adult life that I must always remember my primary relationship, first.

There you have it, ladies! Tell your own mama your Fav 4 lessons you learned from her. If your mama has passed on, take a moment and think them through. Your intention will reconnect you with her spirit. May you honor your mother in whatever way feels meaningful to you this weekend.

Wishing you an beautiful Mother's Day.




Wanna further cultivate a relationship with yourself?

February 15-22, 2019

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